audio recorder

An audio recorder Web Component that records audio through the microphone of the user's device.

It provides a graphic frequency analyzer and waveform view of the recorded audio and uses the MediaDevices API, Web Audio API and the MediaRecorder API.


To run the demo locally , run npm install once and then npm start and view the demo on http://localhost:8080/


  • micStart capturing microphone
  • play_arrowPlay the recorded audio
  • fiber_manual_recordStart recording audio
  • saveSave recorded audio
  • equalizerShow frequency analyzer
  • graphic_eqShow recorded audio as waveform


npm i @dannymoerkerke/audio-recorder


Add a <script> tag to your page:

<script type="module" src="path/to/node_modules/@dannymoerkerke/src/audio-recorder.js"></script>

or import it:

import './path/to/node_modules/@dannymoerkerke/src/audio-recorder.js';

You can also import the bundled version which is in dist for use with Webpack:

import './path/to/node_modules/@dannymoerkerke/dist/audio-recorder.js';

and add the tag to your page:




In addition, mixins can be applied using the ::part pseudo element.


audio-recorder::part([selector]) {

  /** css rules **/


Available selectors:

The buttons and slider are part of the material-webcomponents library

The Custom CSS properties exposed by these components can be used as part of the styling through ::part.

For example, the material-slider component exposes the properties --track-size, --track-color, --thumb-size and --thumb-color.

These can be used in combination with ::part to style the volume slider:

audio-recorder::part(slider) {
  --track-color: #000000;
  --track-size: 3px;
  --thumb-color: #000000;
  --thumb-size: 10px;


Audio recorder throws a notallowed event when permission to access the device's microphone is denied:

const recorder = document.querySelector('audio-recorder');

recorder.addEventListener('notallowed' e => {

  // prompt user to change device settings to allow access to microphone


No access to media

Your device does not have permission to access the microphone. Please enable this in your device's settings.